I must preface this post by begging forgiveness for my absence for the past month! So much has happened in such a short time and I have been completely overwhelmed!
1) My dad fell down while on his crutches back in early June, leaving him injured and wheelchair bound for the past month...(and extremely needy)- An MRI determined that he has fractured his pelvis...and sees the doctor (finally) tomorrow. My mom has been struggling to care for him and adjusting to his neediness.. (he's always been extremely independent). I have tried to pitch in as much as I can, but always feel like I should be doing more to help.
2) My oldest sister Karen came to visit from Hayden Lake, Idaho and brought my niece Chelsey with her. We were all super happy to have them and loved spending time catching up and having fun.... In between the laughter were the tears that came
3) with my Grandma's heartattack and later her passing....as well as the emotional stuff that comes with facing the challenges of our dad's current lack of independence and health issues. He has always been the rock of our family and it seems as though roles are now changing and Mom is taking on that role for now. Things will shift and change as each of us have stronger times while others may feel more vulnerable and needy. This is just how it seems to go during stressful times. I just love my parents and am so glad that I live close to make sure they stay out of trouble!!! LOL!!!! Right now....they are being very rebellious to my strict orders to keep everything calm!!!
I vascilate between sadness and gratitude due to the recent loss of my 98 year old Grandma Baa!!! She passed away last weekend due to the effects of a massive heart attack 1 week earlier. She was an inspiration to all who knew her!!! We are so blessed to have been her decendents and each of us are better people because of her example of patience, love and peaceful nature. She was the most generous woman I know and was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother, great grandmother and great-great grandma all of her adult life!!! I will miss her so!!!
4) Aaron is still working out of town which made all of the above items even more challenging!!!
5) An undisclosed family member is currently struggling- requiring support and love........H-E-L-P!!!
To love = To hurt for those you love!!!!
6) See #4
7) On an exciting note...........The baby showed HIS family jewels on the ultrasound machine yesterday while the doctor was peeking to check placenta. It was a surprise ultrasound so I had no time to worry, or chicken out!!! We had decided to pass on the anatomy screening on the 20 week visit, so I thought I had passed on the gender part too!!...but VIOLA!!! What a wonderful surprise!!! We will continue to pray for this little guy and cross our fingers and toes that he is completely healthy!!! He sure moves and grooves alot and looked very handsome on the ultrasound!!! He is extremely active and much more so than Hunter ever was in utero! This MUST be a good sign!!!!!! Keep the prayers coming!!!
8) Trying to stick to my gym routine....ran 6.5 miles at 20 weeks, but have stuck with the low impact eliptical stuff since getting scared by a friend telling me that my bladder could end up prolapsing if I continued the running while pregnant! Still manage to do 1.5 hours of cardio then some weights, squats and other stuff that makes me feel good! I ran a few miles on the treadmill after the eliptical the other day and it felt sooooo DAMN good!!!! But, I think it is smart to stick to the non-impact (boring) crap, just to be safe....I still get a good workout and a few endorphins....that's all that matters, right??? !!!!
Aaron is showing off these days while training for this stupid Tough Mudder 10 mile obstacle course he paid 150 bucks to register for !!! (sensing the resentment???) He ran 10 miles on Sunday while Cece and I were at church!!! I couldn't believe it! I try to set him up with all the right gear, nurtrition, etc for his runs and he laughs at me (usually)...We'll just see who will be laughing when he bonks out on the trail next time!!!! LOL!!! I never thought I'd see the day when my redneck loverboy would be sporting trail shoes and carrying a neon green amphipod water bottle with his body-glide (anti chaffing stuff) and GU chomps stuffed in his pockets- running with MY ipod and MY playlists!!!!! WHAT THE HECK just happened????!!!!!
Cece is of course the light of my life and keeps me laughing continually! I marvel at Heavenly Father's hand in bringing her into our family! I cannot imagine life without her!!!!!!! She is so excited about her baby brother and talks, kisses and sings to him daily!!! We are so blessed to have her !!! She inspires me to be a better mommy, wife and woman EVERYDAY!!!! Thank you sweetie!!! Her 4th birthday is at the end of this month and she is soooo excited!!
* Interesting dates to think about.....
Hunter's Birthday 8-18
Cece's due date 8-18
Hunter's passing...11-10
New Baby's Due date 11-6
- I wonder when the baby will actually come???? The doctor said at the ultrasound..."This is your angel coming right back to you.".....Could it be???????
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